Self-consumption of EnR on site

Self-consumption of renewable energies on site

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Strong in its’ global approach to energy performance, Orygeen has developed true expertise in electrical and thermal self-consumption on industrial sites, logistical platforms and third-party sites. We offer bespoke solutions, designed on the basis of site consumption, the available resources and the conceivable production solutions.

Electrical autoproduction and self-consumption

The auto production of electricity corresponds to the production of electricity based on a photovoltaic or cogeneration plant. Electrical self-consumption involves the consumption by a company of electricity it produces on its’ own site.

Solar electricity

With the production of photovoltaic electricity now being cost-effective, the main challenge for companies who wish to undertake autoproduction is to organise available spaces on which it is technically possible to instal a photovoltaic solar power plants.

Three types of spaces can be used as the support for photovoltaic panels:

  • a roof structure that can hold up the weight of the photovoltaic equipment and an adapted roof complex,
  • parking shades that will bring an appreciated service to clients, partners and employees,
  • the ground, the most cost-effective solution though often overlooked because it is difficult (almost impossible) for companies to exploit their unused ground spaces in the long-term. By using collapsible panels, the ECCO solution allows to exploit the useable ground spaces thanks to minimal disruption of the terrain.

The cogeneration

‘Co’ means ‘together’ while ‘generation’ means ‘production’. Cogeneration consists of simultaneously producing electricity and heat from a single installation and only one primary energy.

The cogeneration facility requires that the electricity be produced via a motor or via a heater coupled to a turbine. In any case, the generated heat is used to produce vapour or hot water.

When we reused heat to produce cold thanks to an absorption machine, we’re discussing trigeneration.

The turbine systems can use various types of combustibles to produce heat (natural gas, wood, waste, biogas, fuel…), the cogeneration gas being the majority. But biomass cogeneration is being used more and more.

Cogeneration only makes economic sense if the heat produced is used on site or nearby. Few companies have so far found profitability in self-consumption. Most of the installations use a mechanism of subsidy linked to the injection of electricity on the network.

Historically, it’s the biggest cogenerations of a few megawatts to dozens of megawatts that have been developed. Still unknown are the new little cogenerations of some hundreds of kilowatts to one megawatt that are adapted to numerous sites.

In terms of electrical self-consumption, Orygeen will:

Identify the potential

Quantify the associated investments

Design detailed solutions

Organise third-party financing

Realise and put into place the installation

Supervise or take in charge the maintenance and exploitation

Self-consumption of renewable thermal energy

Self-consumption of thermal energy corresponds to the consumption by a company of energy it produces itself from a biomass boiler, a solar thermal heater, a geothermal heater, or a system of methanisation and biogas cogeneration.

The biomass boiler

The biomass boiler uses, as combustibles, wood, by-products of wood such as bark or sawdust, the company’s waste or household waste. It produces steam or hot water.

The biogas methanation and cogeneration

Cogeneration uses biomethane produced by an on site methanisation facility (which often processes the site’s waster and local agricultural waste). The electricity generated is usually injected into the grid to benefit from financial support mechanisms. The heat is used on site in the form of steam and hot water.

Solar thermal

Solar thermal uses solar captors to transform solar radiation into usable heat, which is transported by heat-carrying fluid. A great diversity of technologies (such as heat pumps on solar thermal captors, hybrid solar panels and the injection of solar thermal in the heat network) use different sources of renewable energy to answer to the following needs: heating, sanitary hot water production, electrical production, grid powers, etc.

A technology largely used in the south of Europe, solar thermal is most cost-effective in France thanks to the financing of “Fonds Chaleur”.

The concurrence with solar photovoltaic, which uses the same available space, is arbitrated in function to the rentablity and the priorities of the site in terms of energy needs.

Geothermal energy

A heat production solution which uses hot water from underground depositories, geothermal can also produce fresh water thanks to the inertia of the earth’s temperature for air conditioning installations.

In terms of self-consumption of EnR produced from the biomass, the thermal cogeneration, solar thermal or geothermal, Orygeen will:

Study adapted alternatives

Quantify and qualify the chosen solution

Design the installation and the logistical chain associated

Organise third-party investment and the subvention folder

Realize or supervise the installation

Supervise the exploitation and maintenance