Maximise companies’ energy performance

Orygeen Group: improve companies’ energy performance

Accueil > Orygeen Group

Specialist in energy performance, Orygeen is rooted in a willingness to participate in the collective effort against global warming all while improving the competitiveness of economic actors.

The group offers its’ B to B clients who wish to reduce their carbon footprint, to formalized a strategy, to implement and to finance the different steps for a sustainable energy transition.

Orygeen’s activities range from strategic study, energy audit, from the phase of engineering to the realisation of the works, then financing and supervising the results. So we help companies to:

Save energy


Produce renewable energy

produce renewable energy

Purchase renewable energy

purchase renewable energy

Make the most of energy flexibility

make the most of energy flexibility

Its’ values of excellence, commitment, eco-responsibility, team spirit, and client satisfaction enable Orygeen to impose itself as a reference partner in energy and environmental performance for companies.

Where are we?

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